Monday, September 26, 2011

she knows me

starting 2 days back, deborah started doing this strange and endearing thing... cocking her head to one side!

she is so cute. and so pretty. with her pretty, big, precious moments eyes.

she almost always smiles back, everytime i smile at her. she knows me. it's quite interesting how she can really recognise people now. sometimes when i approach, and then walk away, she'll start fussing, like she wants attention from mummy!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

catch up

bcos this blog is only started now that debz is 6.5 mths, let's play catch up on her milestones thus far!

4 mths: flippety flip (to her left, from a face up position) 
5.5 mths: standing with support (really!), tho i try not to overdo it in case her bones r stil developing n i dun wan her to hv bow legs
6.5 mths: sitting up (tho she lolls abt sometimes)
6.5 mths: push ups & she succeeds at crawling occasionally